Welcome to Three Questions with Van Heerling. This is where you get to meet authors, actors, painters and anyone else that is bent toward the arts, but on a more personal level. Today I welcome Michael Lorde author of Blind Veil. VH: If you could change one thing about our world, what would it be and why? ML: I’m sure this answer will get me into trouble with a few folks I know. If I could change a design of humanity, it would be that people's motives and intentions would be as clear to others as window glass. I think those are the two things that lead to most folk’s sorrow, distrust of others and to the destruction in this world…the manipulation of one, by another without their knowledge or consent. Thankfully I can usually see trouble coming so can often times avert that damage, but some folks can’t see it. I wish they could. I’m a person who tends to root for the underdog. VH: For what are you grateful? ML: Well, I’m pretty grateful every day when I wake up in the morning and I’m here. And my kids have been the motivating factors that have kept my feet on the ground most of my adult life. They encourage and inspire me like no others can. I’m also grateful to my mother, who was the one responsible for my stubbornness, and for the great lesson that there is no limit to what one can do; except for the limits that a person puts on themselves, in their own mind. Thanks mom! I’m also grateful for my friends, my dogs, my health, and that I had the great fortune of being born in this country. VH: When was the last time you helped someone? I mean really helped someone. What did you do for this person? Were they grateful or did they resent it? ML: I like to think I help people every day. I’m one of those people who talk to total strangers. Yep… one of ‘those’. I tend to think it’s the small things that matter each day; the often forgotten ‘golden rule’. In this stressful world, so many folks seem to be in a rush, constantly stressed and feeling lost; no matter how many people are around them. Many people don’t know how to look a person in the eyes. If you do that, you can see if somebody is feeling less than good about their day. Sometimes a few words to them is all it takes for that person’s whole day to change (and in turn it changes the days of those around that person to some degree). Just like a few harsh and asinine words to a person can ruin their mood, a few well chosen ones can brighten their day. I try to choose words that reflect a positive outcome. For a more specific response to your question, for the past few days I’ve helped a friend of mine who’s writing her first book. We’ve been tackling the subject of social media and advertising. I’m hoping my help will in some small way help her to change her future, so she can find the one she’s seeking. To ‘help’ someone, you need to give them the help they are asking for, NOT the help you think they need. The latter of the two, is no real help at all if you think about it. I’ve never had someone resent any help I’ve offered; or if they did, they didn’t tell me about it. I find out specifically what it is that they need, rather than what I think they might need. As I’ve been told by some folks, there is a huge difference between the two. VH: If more people adopted your outlook on life, the world really would change for the better. A few kind words truly can go further than we think. Thank you Michael it was great to get to know you better. ![]() About Michael Lorde Michael was raised in a rural town in upstate New York and has two sons and two daughters. After living in a warmer climate for nearly thirty years, Michael has since moved back north with the youngest daughter of the four. They are dog lovers and have two. Blind Veil is Michael’s debut novel. Need More Michael Lorde?
7/26/2012 11:31:08 pm
Thanks for the interview, Van. Great questions! Hope you thoroughly enjoy your day.
Van Heerling
7/27/2012 04:05:39 pm
Michael you are welcome. Happy to oblige.
Van Heerling
7/27/2012 04:15:06 pm
Thank you for stopping by Ann. Let me know if you ever want to do "Three questions with Van Heerling."
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"For me, writing is a joyful torture or sorts." ~vh~ “In this life, seek your own answers, and quote yourself for a change.” ~vh~
The muse has tapped my shoulder and my ear is turned toward her lips. I am waiting for her whisper. ~vh~
"The funny thing about life: more often than not it’s laughing at you rather than you laughing at it." ~vh~
"At some point there is a moment when you should give up. I’m here to tell you that today is not that day." ~vh~
“If you are afraid of the truth, never ask a young child a question.” ~vh~
“The frailty of life is most evident at its last breath.” vh
“Prove not to the world but to yourself that you are above your current circumstance.” ~vh~
"Don't be wishful when it comes to your dreams. Take aggressive action in your pursuit of them. Start now with a single step, no matter how insignificant it may feel." ~vh~
"Nothing is more powerful than an unwavering, unapologetic decision to BE." ~vh~
"Strive to be the light in an ever-darkening world. SHINE!" ~vh~
"Think big and then think small. That’s where the details live." ~vh~
December 2013
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